Mahjong genius - Ran Mouri
“I refuse. Such a lame and dark old geezer’s game.” “Won!”
“I refuse. Such a lame and dark old geezer’s game.”
– Ran Mouri
Copy from: Detective Conan - Episode 77: Loan Company President’s Murder Case.
In drawing above, the shadows on face as well as pleats are very discord. However, with the comparison of hair shadow, the shadows on final drawing become resonable.
This reminds me of Betty Edwards’ DRSB companion video. She interpreted lights and shadows by inverting Courbet’s self-portrait. Painters present third dimension by drawing the shape of the light and shadow areas just as perceiving. In this drawing, the three-dimensionality of the face, the folds of the clothes, and the hair on right side is also derived from the shadows.